Test for pest control (including fumigation)

1. Sorption is:
an ability to absorb evapouration of various substances and gases;
an ability to emit evapouration of various substances and gases;
an ability to accumulate evapouration of various substances and gases.
2. Typical warehouse floor storage of grain at 3200 tones has a length of:
3. Fumigation is not allowed when the wind speed is:
more than 3 m/s;
more than 4 m/s;
more than 5 m/s;
more than 7 m/s.
4. The tar out of the fumigant on the basis of metal phosphides neutralized by:
lime (Ca(OH)2);
water soaking for 12-24 hours (H2O);
soda (NaHCO3);
potassium permanganate (KMnO4).
5. A certain amount of gas in a given volume of air is called:
lethal rate;
6. The operating substance is:
the active part of the drug;
an auxiliary agent;
7. Substances deterring insects, mammals and birds are called:
8. The fumigant is:
"Karate Zeon";
9. When the temperature decreases, the efficiency of fumigation:
не doesn’t change.
10. Treatment with contact action insecticides is authorized under the grain temperature and the outside air is:
below 15 degrees C;
15 degrees C;
not less than 0 degrees C;
in the range of 10-15 degrees C.
11. The highest coefficient of harmfulness (Ch) of the main pests of grain stocks is:
mill moth (Ephestia kuehniella);
rice weevil (Sitophilus oryzae);
lesser grain borer (Rhizopеrtha dominica);
grass mite (Pediculoides graminum).
12. The 4th degree of infestation of the stored grain by the pests has the Total Population Density, insect/kg, at the rate of:
3 to 15;
15 to 70;
15 to 90;
15 to 110.
13. Complex preventive measures to protect the grain from pests don’t include:
canning liquid insecticides;
removing insects from the grain by separation.
14. The amount of gas present in a given volume of air of fumigated object called:
lethal rate;
15. The maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of harmful substances in the air of the work zone for the phosphine is equal to:
0,001 mg/m3;
0,0015 mg/m3;
0,05 mg/m3;
0,1 mg/m3.
16. MCE is:
maximum concentration of “Ecofume”;
multiplication of the concentration on the exposure;
multiplication of the concentration on the efficiency of disinfestations;
maximum concentration of exotoxin.
17. Fumigation is prohibited:
within 50 meters of residential and industrial premises with the constant presence of people;
within 100 meters of residential and industrial premises with the constant presence of people;
within 200 meters of residential and industrial premises with the constant presence of people;
within 300 meters of residential and industrial premises with the constant presence of people;
18. Before (and after) working with pesticides shouldn’t be eaten:
tea or coffee;
19. The minimum consumption of the agrochemicals is possible when:
using poisoned baits.
20. Fumigation by preparations based on hydrogen phosphide (phosphine) permitted when the temperature of the grain, grain products, the air in the warehouse and the treated areas above:
0º С
5º С
10º С
15º С
21. MCE is measure in:
l/e %.
22. The maximum permissible level (MPL) of harmful substances in grains of cereals contaminated with Malathion is:
0,01 mg/kg;
0,1 mg/kg;
1 mg/kg;
3 mg/kg.
23. Breathing in grass mites is:
24. The threshold of autoignition and explosivity of phosphine is in the range of:
9-12 g/m3 ;
12-15 g/m3 ;
15-17 g/m3 ;
17-19 g/m3 .
25. When fumigating agricultural products and materials sorption increases:
with a greater total surface;
with less overall surface;
doesn't matter.
26. TDI is:
total density of infestation (contamination);
total degree of prediction of infestation (contamination);
total average density of infestation (contamination);
total average domain of infestation (contamination).
27. Among the main pests of grain stocks in the Russian Federation the least representative is:
rice weevil (Sitophilus oryzae);
lesser grain borer (Rhizopеrtha dominica);
mill moth (Ephestia kuehniella);
mould mite (Acarus putrescentiae).
28. After working with liquid insecticides gloves without having to remove wash, with:
3-5% solution of soda ash (Na2CO3);
1% solution of (KMnO4);
3-5% solution of bleach (Ca(Cl)OCl);
1% solution of copper sulfate (CuSO4).
29. A certain amount of pesticide, that causes body disorders, but does not lead to death, is called:
threshold dose;
sublethal dose;
lethal dose;
median toxic dose.
30. The most accurate method to determine hidden infestation in grain is:
uric acid test;
grain dissection;
breeding out;
egg plug staining.
31. Pest elimination methods doesn’t include:
heat disinfestations;
killing the weeds.
32. The hazard classes of the pesticide won’t be determined by the the following indicator:
irritant effect on the skin;
33. For two hours of work each cell of SGF-M2 phosphine gas-generator produce:
110g. phosphine and 100g. carbon dioxide;
30g. phosphine and 150g. carbon dioxide;
50g.phosphine and 200 g. carbon dioxide;
80g. phosphine and 250g. carbon dioxide.
34. The pesticide residues in food products is determined by:
AOL ( Approximate permissible level);
MPL (Maximum permissible level);
MPC (Maximum permissible concentration);
MCE (Multiplication of the concentration on the exposure).
35. The pesticide which maintains its gas phase at the required temperature and pressure and kills pests is called:
36. Which of the following chemicals is produced in a tablet form:
37. The effectiveness of grain disinfection in elevator silos is estimated:
during degassing of elevator silos and grain storages;
after degassing of the grain storages;
two weeks after degassing.
38. To protect the grain stored in bulk warehouses and elevator silos from the insect pest (apart from the mites), MCE (Multiplication of the concentration on the exposure) should be equal to:
7 g-h/m3 ;
more than 7 g-h/m3 ;
15 g-h/m3 ;
25 g-h/m3
39. The amount of fumigant expressed in mg/m3 is called:
residual quantity;
40. Acquired resistance of insects and mites to pesticide as a result of frequent treatments is called:
41. The following insect species doesn’t refer to the pests developing inside kernels and causing obvious and hidden infestation in grains:
grain and rice weevils (Sitophilus (granaries, oryzae));
lesser corn borer (Rhizopеrtha dominica);
grain moth (Sitotroga cerealella);
grass mite (Pediculoides graminum).
42. What are the common features of insects and mites:
43. Most of the fumigants according to the toxic-hygienic characteristics are:
highly toxic substance (extremely hazardous);
acutely toxic pesticide (highly hazardous);
moderately toxic (moderately hazardous);
low toxic (slightly hazardous).
44. Phosphine causes corrosion of the products made of:
45. To calculate the insect population density in a given lot of wheat, an average sample should weigh:
0,5 kg;
1 kg;
2 kg;
3 kg.
46. Phosphine gas is:
1.5 times lighter than air;
2.5 times lighter than air;
1.5 times heavier than air;
2.5 times heavier than air.
47. The fumigation of the grain stored in bulk warehouses with preparations tablet should be applied at the rate of:
3 g/t;
6 g/m3 ;
6 g/t;
9 g/t .
48. The concentration of an active substance in aluminum phosphide preparations tablet is:
450 g/kg;
500 g/kg;
560 g/kg;
660 g/kg.
49. Two main factors determining the fumigant effectiveness are:
the temperature and humidity of the grain;
fumigant formula and application dose;
grain kernel size, shape and structure;
the insect species and its life stage.
50. How many legs does the grass mite (Pediculoides graminum) have:
2 pairs;
3 pairs;
4 pairs;
6 pairs;

*This test is entertaining-educational and in no way, should not be used as tutorial